Kultur Etxea  Portada Web

Kultur Etxea square is a square located in Getxo, Vizcaya. A part of the square is to be covered by means of a structure composed of a base module, with dimensions in plan view of 15 m x 5 m approx. and a surface area from above of 75 m² approx. The true size of its surface area is 87.24m². This is a tensile canvas with hyperbolic paraboloid geometry, supported on two masts anchored to the foundations. The vertexes of the roof are fixed to a structure of bars laid out in diagonal and stabilised by cables. It will carry an edging cable wrapped in its perimeter, which will be fixed by the vertexes to the anchorage plates located on the perimeter pillars. The canvas roof will be a single piece.



For the renovation of the surroundings of Kultur Etxea in Romo (Getxo), Vizcaya, IASO has manufactured and installed a structure with hyperbolic paraboloid geometry to create a shaded area in the part of said square that has seating.

The structure, in plan view, has dimensions of 15 m length x 5 m width, covering a surface area from above of 75 m². Its height is 3.15 m at the lowest point and 4.45 m at the highest. Moreover, the pillars protrude at the top, reaching a height of 5.53 m. The structure is fixed to the foundations by means of two central pillars. The canvas is a single piece, of 1002 fabric of the Ferrari make. It is fixed at each end by canvas presses, and by a perimeter cable joined to the canvas by bags so that it can be tensioned.