Mondragon Council has promoted the remodelling of the Plaza Itxaropena, the final objective of which has been to install a whole new roof over the sports area, protecting it from inclement weather.
To this end, a tensile PVC canvas, painted on the inside, and an ETFE enclosure over the north façade have been installed in order to protect the precinct from the wind and rain coming in sideways.
The tensile PVC canvas is fixed to the perimeter and to the gantries, and adapts to the particular shape provided by the structure. Moreover, thanks to the anchorage system used, the rainwater is collected by the structure just as the architect intended.
The great novelty of this tensile canvas is the marking on the inside face, with large spots of 2 m diameter (approx.) and in various colours. This demonstrates the versatility and possibilities offered by this type of membrane.
The single-layer transparent ETFE enclosure with stainless steel cables protects the park from wind and rain coming in sideways, without blocking the entry of light into the park and adapting perfectly to the curved shape of the structure.
Inspírate con proyectos de estructuras tensadas que habilitan entornos únicos y llamativos, espacios a la vanguardia de la arquitectura contemporánea.